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Finnish agri-food sector outlook

The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) publishes annually a survey of the development prospects and latest studies concerning the Finnish agricultural and food sector. The survey looks at the past year, traces recent trends in the sector and anticipates the future.

Photo: Katja Tähjä / Luke

In the Finnish agri-food sector outlook, Luke’s experts examine the effects of changes in the international operating environment and policy on food consumption, prices, foreign trade and food market structure, and how these affect Finnish agriculture and its short-term prospects.

The survey provides comprehensive information about the development of the agricultural and food markets, the development of agricultural production and its structure, the economic situation of farm enterprises and food production policies.

The survey is based on both Luke’s own and external statistics (e.g. from the Finnish Customs and Statistics Finland), as well as a wide range of background material. The annual survey is published in Luke’s natural resources and bioeconomy studies series.

The survey has been published since 1979 and is available in both Finnish and English. Some of the publications are also available in Luke’s publication register (